A Call to Worship
Christmas Eve Year C 2009
Psalm 96

Sing a new song to the Lord our God
all you peoples and creatures of the earth!
All peoples and nations of the earth,
join hands and voices in praise of God!

Honour and majesty belong to God!
Worthy of praise, is God the Creator!
Spread the praises of God through all creation!
Share the news of God’s wonderful generosity!

Sing praises to the God whose judgement
also saves and renews all God’s creation!
All the earth, its people and creatures
offer their ‘Hallelujahs’ of praise to God!
Let us come in worship of our glorious God. Amen.

Prayers of Praise and Thankfulness
Christmas Eve Year C 2009
Psalm 96

O Lord our God, we lift up our hearts and our voices
in prayers of praise, and in worship of you,
as we proclaim the wonder and beauty,
the power and glory of you, our universal God.
Our prayers of thankfulness and praise join
with countless voices throughout history
in praising the God who is above all gods.
How awesome is our God, who is worthy to be revered.

Almighty and creating God, we sing a new
chorus of ‘Hallelujahs’ to God, the Creator!
You are infinitely powerful in your words and actions.
In our prayers, we marvel at your creation,
with its amazing variations of colour and form,
all brought about by the generosity of God.
There is a glorious splendour about all creation,
which is a reflection of the splendour and beauty
of its Creator, and for this we gratefully offer
our prayers of praise and thankfulness.
How awesome is our God, who is worthy to be revered.

We who delight in our praise of God, are called
to tell the people of all nations of the reign of God.
We are to tell how established are God’s commands
and of the way God deals with people in ways that
are generous and fair. All this is a reflection of the
truth of our righteous God’s own nature and being.
The Lord our God, the Creator, is also the Judge
of all creation, and because of this commitment,
God is also its Salvation and Sustainer.
How awesome is our God, who is worthy to be revered. Amen.

A Personal Meditation
Christmas Eve Year C 2009
Psalm 96

I want to sing, I want to shout a new song!
I want to share my enthusiasm for the Living God,
the Creator of all things – the Maker of the universe.
The old songs are not good enough now!
I want to sing something new - a song, an anthem,
a refrain or a chorus that has never before been sung,
to share with all who will listen - the glories of my God.

Creative pause: Sing and shout in praise of God.

I want to publish a full page advertisement,
I want to use television and the internet to share
the good news of the Lord our God – the Creator.
Great is the Lord! Worthy of praise is the Lord my God.
Nothing compares to my God, all the other gods
pale into insignificance before the glory of my God.
Honour, beauty and majesty are God’s passwords.
I will do all I can to draw attention to the awesome power
of the Lord my God, glorious is God’s name and being.

Creative pause: Share the good news of God’s awesome powers.

I want to join in a world-wide recognition of just who
and what is so glorious about the God that I worship!
Join with me in worshipping the holy splendour,
the awe-inspiring presence of God - the Holy One.
Mere mortals like me, tremble before the wonder
and majesty of our Creator God. The fields, the trees,
all the varied creatures of the world are a testimony
to the creative care and blessings of our God.

Creative pause: Mere mortals tremble before the majesty of God.

Let all creation join me in singing to our great God - the Creator,
because God both judges and saves creation at the same time.
The righteousness of God will be discovered and proven
by all peoples, even as they sing and shout their praises to God.
Sing all you nations – sing a song, an anthem, a refrain, a
chorus that the Lord our God reigns supreme over all things,
and worthy is that Creator God of endless songs of praise.

Creative pause: God is worthy of praise and celebration.

Unless stated otherwise, all Bible readings and extracts used in these weekly Prayers and Meditations are from
‘The New Revised Standard Version’ Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council
of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

*The additional weekly numbering is from the Revised COCU Indexing Scheme
COCU = ('Consultation on Church Union'); as it offers an easy sequential numbering
for the Revised Common Lectionary for the Church Calendar.

If any part of these Prayers and/or Meditations is used in shared worship, please provide
the following acknowledgement:
© 2009 Joan Stott – ‘The Timeless Psalms’ RCL Psalms Year C. Used with permission.


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